
Don Edwards is a songster, historian,author, songwriter, musicologist, actor, accomplished guitarist with a Santa Cruz signature guitar, yodeler extraordinaire and a multiple award winning recording artist.  Don has won 8 Wrangler Awards from the  National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum including the prestigious Chester A Reynolds Founders Award. He's won the Western Music Associations Male Performer of the Year  five times and twice the Album of the Year.  Don was also nominated for A Grammy for High Lonesome Cowboy, and appears on the Grammy award winning Folk Album-Other Voices Other Rooms by Nancie Griffith. In addition his two anthologies Saddle Songs and Songs of the Cowboy were placed in The Library of Congress.  Later they were remastered and placed on one CD. The combined works won The Best Folk/Traditional Album of the Year by the AFIM Indie Awards.  Don lives with his wife Kathy and Smoky the Wonder Dog on his ranch
near Hico, Republic of Texas

On The Road 

I'm not touring but happy to hear from you all.  Thanks for the love and support over the years..

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